Natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, and tornadoes are capable of causing data loss from a number of sources. When this happens, you need to immediately put in place disaster recovery planning procedures. In addition to ensuring that your backup sites are up-and-running, you should also do everything possible to mitigate the impact that these events have on your business.
Naturally, a business owner wants to minimize their risk of losing data, but even a minor disruption of service can result in massive losses. You want to get back to work as soon as possible after a power outage or similar natural disaster, and natural disasters are one of the best places to do that.
Data loss often results when your business has moved its data off-site to a different location. If your office is situated in a part of the country where it receives an extreme climate for most of the year, you are at greater risk of data loss due to natural disasters. Similarly, businesses that use backup generators are at risk of data loss because power outages tend to happen more frequently in certain parts of the country than others.
Regardless of whether your business is based near or far from a major metropolitan center, if your data is regularly stored on off-site data farms, you could experience data loss from a severe storm or tornado. Many large organizations store their information on off-site data farms, and many small companies do as well.
Even if your business is relatively secure and your backup generators are working, you should still have disaster recovery planning procedures in place. Even if you aren’t currently located in an area prone to hurricanes or tornadoes, you should consider natural disaster recovery planning even if you are not currently in harm’s way. After all, natural disasters have killed many people over the years, and there is no telling what will happen next. If you have a backup generator that isn’t running yet, you should make sure that it is running and that all of your data is stored elsewhere in case of a disaster.
If you do some research online, you will find that there are plenty of companies offering disaster recovery planning services. The unfortunate truth is that there are also a lot of companies that offer cheap disaster recovery packages that are simply full of hype and that don’t actually do a very good job of preparing you for a real disaster. You should only deal with established, high quality companies that have been in business for quite some time.
A good disaster recovery planning service should be able to give you realistic rankings for different types of disasters. These rankings should include the rankings for tornados, earthquakes and floods among other natural disasters. They should also be able to give you rankings for your risk of having your business damaged or destroyed.
Once you receive your ranking, you can start making preparations for your Disaster Recovery Planning. It is best to start working on your plan about a year in advance. This allows you plenty of time to get all of your materials together and to plan how you will implement your plan.
It will also allow you plenty of time to gather the information and resources that you need before your disaster recovery period begins. Your best chance at success is to be prepared long in advance. Don’t wait until you’re in a crisis; start working on a disaster recovery plan as soon as you can.