
Podium – Australia’s Best IT Service Provider

Professional IT Services Melbourne was established in 1992 to provide the best IT solutions for small and medium-sized businesses in Victoria. The podium has several branches including Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Enterprise Architecture, Information Technology Management (ITMS), Data Centre Management (DCM), Desktop Management Software, Network Services, Software Testing, and Security Solutions for Enterprises. Podium’s main values are transparency and quality in every function that it provides.

Podium provides IT Services Melbourne. Podium offers professional IT to businesses in Victoria. Its core values are customer satisfaction, ethical practice, and commitment to excellence. The podium has offices in Australia, New Zealand, the US, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the UK, and China.

The podium has a complete line of IT Service for all IT-based businesses in Victoria. These include:

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IT services Melbourne

The podium has IT services in Australia and New Zealand, which include; Enterprise IT Solutions for Businesses in Australia and NZ, Enterprise IT Solutions for Businesses in NZ, Consulting Services for Businesses in Australia and NZ, and Corporate Technology Consultancy for Businesses in Australia and NZ. It also provides Consultancy Services for Australian and International enterprises.

It was the first company in Australia and New Zealand to provide ERP systems exclusively designed for the Australian market. The podium has been awarded two Industry Recognition Awards by the IT Industry Association (IA) and three Engineering Awards from the Construction Industry Council of Australia.

The podium also provides IT Services Melbourne and New Zealand, including; enterprise software systems designed for SME, enterprise system solutions tailored to SME and small enterprise, desktop software solutions designed for SME and small enterprise, cloud software solutions designed for small and medium-sized businesses, consulting services and cloud solutions tailored to SME and small enterprise, security solutions tailored for small and medium-sized businesses and data centre consulting services.

IT Service

The podium is accredited with ISO/IEC 17025 and has been accredited by The Australian Network and Information Centre (ANIC). This makes Podium a well-known, trusted name and brand in the IT industry. The podium is part of The Melbourne IT Exchange.

The podium has received many awards for its IT Solutions and is considered to be one of the leading IT service providers in the Victoria region of Australia and New Zealand. It is ranked as the fourth-ranked company in Australia and New Zealand in terms of IT services Melbourne and is ranked as the eighth-ranked company in the world. in Australia and New Zealand and is the seventh-ranked company globally.

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